Monday, 23 July 2007

Trains, planes and automobiles - part 2

While we were in Barcelona we travelled on...

an underground train (the Metro)...
an aeroplane...
lots of taxis...
a bus...
a funicular railway - which went up a very steep hill...
a cable-car...
a telepherique - a smal ski-cable car up a very big hill... and...
a tram!

A big climbing frame

At the beach there lots of things to play on, including a big slide and a big climbing frame. I also went swimming with a snorkel and a mask - the water was quite warm and very wavy. I got sand in my hair and my ears.

The biggest ice-cream that I've ever had!!

Toffee flavour with lots of cream and sauce in a big glass...

Barry Chuckle?

At a restaurant I was served by Barry Chuckle.


Barcelona is bigger than Malmesbury...

Barcelona cable car

Barcelona has a cable car that goes over the harbour - it actually goes over the water.

You can see me in this picture with the water along way away underneath.

At last Barcelona - no more luggage...

The first day in Barcelona didn't mean a day off from cycling, but it did mean that I didn't have to carry a heavy saddlebag - so my bike started to look sleek and speedy once again. Here it is outside the hotel.